COMD2327 – Week4


  • Homework DUE : 6 photographs. Each photo should show one example of a bad use of type based on the week3 handout of terms (see above). So for example find an example of bad kerning. Or an example of a neglected widow in some body copy. Please post image with caption to your Openlab page and send me the link to the comments section of week3 of this blog.
  • Work on Assignment#3 (due Week 5) See details posted week3.
  • Make sure your ‘final – edited’ Urban Legend is in the week3 folder in dropbox.


  • Review week 3 terms.
  • Continue to look at examples in magazines and newspapers



  • Edit Urban Legend based on feedback and save into the week3 folder in dropbox
  • Time to work on Assignment 3 and 4


  • Work on Assignment#4 (due Week 5) See handout above.
    Here are the list of stories to go with exercises #6-10:
    6. Jack and the Beanstalk by Doreen Wright
    7. Allegory of the Cave by Aliver Canaria
    8. The Backseat Murder by Albert Bernal
    9. The Story of the Arcade Underdog by Paul Paulino
    10. The Monkey Paw by Xiaocen Jiao

Edited stories based on comments you received should be saved into dropbox folder – week3. Please do so immediately if you have not already.