COMD1162 – Week2

Welcome to week2! Civic engagement will be an underlining theme throughout the semester.

DUE Today

Everyone was supposed to post 5 words to ‘week 1’ of this blog related to the theme of ‘democracy.’

  • Research: Voting themes, ‘democracy’- words associations
  • Get-out-the-vote campaign: Post five words to my blog that you associate with the definition of a ‘democracy’.

Lecture Topic

What it means to be a designer – Communication Designer continued


Creating a moodboard in Photoshop
-> Resolution 300 dpi vs 72 dpi ( Dots Per Inch = DPI  = Pixel = Raster)
-> Resampling
-> Layers
-> Copy & Paste
-> Selections
-> Scanning

Lab Time

Design Teams: Break off into teams for brainstorming secession – create a mind map.


  • Moodboard DUE end of class next week. Should be made in Photoshop – import images into the document from the web, the way I showed in class today. See above for canvas dimensions. (If you have any questions or problems email me)
  • Come up with a tagline for your Get Out the Vote poster – construct a question or brief statement that captures the theme of your mood board.
  • Here is the list of class presentations that everyone signed up for last week: