Week8 – GRA3611

Hello everyone – welcome to week 8.

1. Review class trip – favorite works.

2. Today we will use the class time to make progress on your projects. The goal is to have an open lab. We can review anything covered to date and I would also like to go over a few techniques in Photoshop. If we have time I would  like to show how to create and customize Brushes in Illustrator (but we might save that lesson for week 10).

3. By the end of class today I should receive your:
-> Finalized logo – in Illustrator
-> The beginnings of you product rendering – in Illustrator  (a representation of your product).
-> If I have not already received, your product research document (this is the text that will appear in your project deck (see week 3 for the original assignment).

These three pieces will count towards your Midterm grade.

4. Next week we look at InDesgin – to set up your final booklet. We will also discuss binding and paper considerations.
Here is an outline of what needs to go into your project deck and how it will be structured: GRA3611-FinalDeck
And please read this handout about different binding possibilities: GRA3611_Booklets

Continue to work on your project: style-guide, product renderings.