COMD2327 – Week9


Homework DUE

  • Finalize project 1 Urban Legend booklet (must be in my dropbox by the end of next week).
  • Collect research for Project 2 (see handout given last week).
    1. One of the articles should be a feature story – about 2-3 pages in length.
    2. One article should be a collection of 8-10 facts. For example if your subject is food, perhaps you would find 8-10 seasonal, local vegetables to feature.
    3. One article should be an interview (related to subject matter of course).


  • MassimoVignelli
  • Tony DiSpigna
  • Matteo Bologna
  • Paula Scher


We will use most of the class to finish off the Calendars. I will be meeting with each of you individually to discuss your mid-term status.

  • Begin to sketch out layout possibilities for magazine
  • Establishing style-guide for magazine. Begin to layout the feature article. Include the following:
    1. Choose body copy typeface
    2. Choose header font
    3. Determine color scheme
    4. Set up columns
    5. Bring in one image (include caption)
    6. Create one pull-quote


  • Finalize and print Urban Legend booklet and submit to dropbox folder by this Friday
  • Establishing style-guide for magazine. Begin to layout the feature article (see ‘Lab’ above)
  • Happy spring break!