Week9 – GRA3611

Hello – Welcome to Week9!

After an Illustrator lesson we will use the time in class to work on your projects. You should meet with your partner and have them complete the peer-assessment work sheet. The goal being to have everything ready to show for next week’s in-class critique.

Lab time to work on wherever you are with project.
-> Logo design/ identity
-> Project Deck layout
-> Product design/ Packaging

Here are three PDF student examples of booklets that you can download and take a look at for guidance and inspiration: STUDENTEXAMPLES

-> Brushes
-> Perspective Grid. Here is a good follow up tutorial relating to today’s lesson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp6kR3Hs8vI

1. Prepare for inclass presentation/critique next week.
2. Continue to set up your project deck (the booklet) in InDesign. I recommend speaking with the printer you intend to work with – in the next few days to double check that the booklet dimensions that you set up, will be possible to print and bind. They should also be able to tell you the cost for printing and binding. (See printer suggestions above.)

I would like to collect a PDF draft of your booklet the week we come back from Thanksgiving. This should include:
1  Cover
2. Copyright page: your name, project name and date
3. Table of Content
4. Statement and description of problem / Design Concept – a summary of the solution, with stated goals and objectives of the project
5. Historical overview – documentation of research (highlights of historical context)
6. Assessment of current industry. Find at least three examples of products you feel are well presented in the marketplace. (They do not have to be the same subject matter as your product.) You should find examples to use as inspiration and guidance.
7. Assessment of marketplace. How is your product unique to the marketplace? What other products are similar to yours and currently available? How will your product distinguish itself from competition?
8. Final identity design (include logo clear-space details and size specifications. Look at the student examples that I provided in class for guidance on this.)
9. Style Guide (see handout – GRA3611-StyleGuide)
10. Product rendering – created in Illustrator