Week8 – ADV1162

1. Steve Brodner
2. Deanne Cheuk
3. Matteo Bologna
4. Yuko Shimizu


1. What is an Info Graphic?  You were supposed to find 2 examples of an info graphic, one should be radial in design and one should be linear. If you found links, post them to the discussion board on Openlab: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/groups/adv1162rastervectorf2014/forum/

2. Five sketches for each on paper, once approved finalize one digitally:

  • Create a symbol for health food.
  • Create a symbol for junk food

Project 2: Poster Design
Brief: ADV1162_ProjectBrief

Clarify assignment, determine copy and content specifics.

Lesson: Week8-Lesson

  • Selections
  • Image/Mode
  • Type
  • Resolution
  • Masking


  • 5 sketches of poster layouts (pencil on paper). Make sure you draw a border around each sketch and make sure they mimic the proportions of the poster.
  • Finalize copy for poster. This should include:
    1. title of your poster
    2. at least 15 food locations and at least three categories: ie restaurants, coffee-shops, and supermarkets.
    3. no more than 5 food-chains, we want to encourage local businesses.
    4. You should know the amount of time it takes to get to each location from CityTech.