Week8 – ADV1162

On November 3, 2014, in Week8, by Genevieve HItchings

1. Steve Brodner
2. Deanne Cheuk
3. Matteo Bologna
4. Yuko Shimizu


1. What is an Info Graphic?  You were supposed to find 2 examples of an info graphic, one should be radial in design and one should be linear. If you found links, post them to the discussion board on Openlab: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/groups/adv1162rastervectorf2014/forum/

2. Five sketches for each on paper, once approved finalize one digitally:

  • Create a symbol for health food.
  • Create a symbol for junk food

Project 2: Poster Design
Brief: ADV1162_ProjectBrief

Clarify assignment, determine copy and content specifics.

Lesson: Week8-Lesson

  • Selections
  • Image/Mode
  • Type
  • Resolution
  • Masking


  • 5 sketches of poster layouts (pencil on paper). Make sure you draw a border around each sketch and make sure they mimic the proportions of the poster.
  • Finalize copy for poster. This should include:
    1. title of your poster
    2. at least 15 food locations and at least three categories: ie restaurants, coffee-shops, and supermarkets.
    3. no more than 5 food-chains, we want to encourage local businesses.
    4. You should know the amount of time it takes to get to each location from CityTech.

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