Week15 – GRA3611

And here we are – the last day of class!

I am looking forward to seeing your final booklets: printed, trimmed and bound. We will (hopefully) be celebrating the completion of a very successful semester!

After our in-class critique, I will collect your digital files, and summer officially begins – class will be dismissed.

Please note: if there are any final corrections I will accept a perfected PDF up until end of day Thursday at Midnight via email.

Congratulations and have a great summer!

One announcement: the ADC is having their yearly paper-expo tomorrow evening:
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012
5:30-8:30 pm
@ ADC Gallery
106 West 29th Street, NYC

ADC Members Free with RSVP
APC, SPD, TDC Members $5.00
Non-Members $10.00

Usually the day after they open the gallery up to students to pick up leftover paper books. It’s a great place to build up a library of paper samples.

Week14 – GRA3611

Hello again – I am reposting the blog I sent out yesterday – I’ve updated the homework. See below:

No class next week (5.16). Our final class is 5.23.

Please be ready to:
1. Print a final version of your copy and hand into me tomorrow. I would like to edit one more time before it appears in your final printed deck.
2. By end of class tomorrow I would also like to see the two additional pieces that you will be including (see ‘GRA3611-FinalDeck’ week8).
3. I also encourage you to test print a black and white copy of you PDF tomorrow on the class laser printer. Until you see your layout on paper, you do not really know what it will look like.

On a side note:
It’s Creative Week in New York City (May 7th – May 11th). Take a look and see if there is anything you might want to attend: http://www.creativeweek.com

Your final booklets are due printed, trimmed and bound on May 23rd. We will (hopefully) be celebrating the completion of a very successful semester!

PLEASE READ: Although we are not meeting next week – I would like you to email me a copy of any work that I have not seen that you are hoping to include in your booklet by or before 5.16.12. The sooner you can get it to me the more time you will have to print, trim and bind by the due date (5.23.12).

Also I would like to emphasise – the class is focused on Illustrator. The final work should showcase some of the things we have covered over the course of the semester in the program – including the identity, product renderings, packaging, and the two additional pieces I am requiring for the final project deck.

Email me with questions!

Week13 – GRA3611

Hello everyone!

The count down begins. See last week’s posting (Week12) for details – but we will continue to plug onwards towards the completion of your project decks. Next week, May 9th the digital files of your final PDF are due. This Weds we will continue working on putting together the finishing touches. I would also like to collect your edited copy (draft 2) tomorrow. Please bring edited text with you to class. I will ask you to print and hand-in to me.

Feel free to email me if you have questions or want some feedback. Otherwise see you Wednesday!

Week12 – GRA3611

Hello class – we are fast approaching the end of the semester.

(Just remember summer is around the corner and then hopefully you can truly relax.)

The final must be handed in to me May 9th as a digital PDF (please note that is just two weeks away).  The following week is  ‘Reading Day’ and our class does not meet.  You then have until May 23rd to make any final corrections and have your book printed and bound.  On May 23rd we will have a viewing party. This should be a celebration day – everything must be completed and we will be presenting the final work to each other.

At this point everyone should have a draft of your Project Deck set up in InDesign. Feel free to send me a PDF of the file via email if you want some feedback.
Look at week8 if you need more information about what goes within the project deck. And look to the student examples I provided in class.

In addition to what is listed in Week8. I would like you to chose two additional items from the list below to be included in your final deck.
1. Packaging design (full comp of packaging)

2. Instruction manual (detailing how your product is to be used, or detailing unique features and design of your product.)

3. Advertising , choose any one of the following:

  • Magazine ads – min. of 3, same concept different representation
  • Billboards – min. of 3, same concept different representation. Ads sized for bus stops, buses & taxis, highways…
  • Subway ads – min. of 3, same concept different representation. Ads sized for space.

4. Promotions, choose any one of the following:

  • Promotional cards – wave or staggered distribution min. of 5 different cards
  • Premium promotional giveaways/ merchandising – gift item, product that raises awareness about your subject (hats, key-chains, bags, hang-tags…)
  • DVD of CD package – case/container, label & min. 6 page booklet
  • Website – min. 4 screen shots
  • Flash Promotional Animation – min. 20 secs

Again, I am only asking you chose two items from everything that is listed above.
Please take a look at these two related handouts:

Here is a template of an InDesign file for a spiral bind booklet 10x 7 inch, no spreads (with a baseline grid set to a leading of 14pt): Deck-7x10in_SpiralBind.indd

Tomorrow in class we will use the time to plug away at wherever you are with your project.

We can review 3-D grid and I would also like us to look at brushes as well as working with Photoshop.  Please let me know if there is anything you would like us to review in Illustrator or if there is something that we have not covered that you are interested in knowing more about…

See you tomorrow!

Week10 – GRA3611

Hello – Welcome to Week10!

>> GRA student surveys

>> Due today: set up of your project deck (the booklet) in InDesign (see Week9 for details)
Lab time to work on wherever you are with project.
-> Logo design/ identity
-> Project Deck layout
-> Product design/ Packaging

>> Lesson
-> Brushes
-> Perspective Grid. Here is a good follow up tutorial relating to today’s lesson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp6kR3Hs8vI

>> Discuss class field trip to Society of Illustrators

Next week is spring break. After spring break we will focus on the ads, packaging and promotional materials.

DUE: I would like to collect a PDF draft of your booklet the week we come back from spring break. This should include:
1  Cover
2. Copyright page: your name, project name and date
3. Table of Content
4. Statement and description of problem / Design Concept – a summary of the solution, with stated goals and objectives of the project
5. Historical overview – documentation of research (highlights of historical context)
6. Assessment of current industry. Find at least three examples of products you feel are well presented in the marketplace. (They do not have to be the same subject matter as your product.) You should find examples to use as inspiration and guidance.
7. Assessment of marketplace. How is your product unique to the marketplace? What other products are similar to yours and currently available? How will your product distinguish itself from competition?
8. Final identity design (include logo clear-space details and size specifications. Look at the student examples that I provided in class for guidance on this.)
9. Style Guide (see handout – Week9)
10. Product rendering – created in Illustrator

Week9 – GRA3611

Welcome to Week9!

>> Project Deck: Today in class we will start to set that up. The deck is a printed and bound presentation of your project. It should tell the visual story of the development of both your product and the related design pieces.

The deck will be created in InDesign. Dimensions and format are as follows:
9.5 in x 8 in
Margin: 0.25 in (three sides)
Margin inside: 0.625 in
Bleed: 0.125 in
Gutter: 0.1667 in
Facing Pages: yes

The goal is to create an intelligent presentation to show off your work in a coherent and flattering manner.

Here is the website for downloading InDesgin templates: www.blurb.com. You have to sign up with the site in order to access the templates but they don’t require more than your email address. They can print your book for you, but you don’t have to use them. You can also choose to go with another printer.

Three kinds of binding options (See week8 handout: GRA3611_Booklets):
1. Spiral bound (the advantage to this type is you don’t really have to worry about spreads and imposition.
2. Saddle Stitch
3. Perfect Bound

>> Lab time – work on wherever you are with project

>> Binding presentation by Prof. Steve Caputo (last hour of class)

Here are two printer recommendations near campus:
Remsen Graphics
(718) 643-7500
165 Remsen St
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Rolling Press (They are a ‘green’ printer)
15 denton place, park slope
brooklyn, ny 11215
718 625 6800

Next week is our last class before spring break. After spring break we will focus on the ads, packaging and promotional materials.

For next week I would like everyone to set up their project deck (the booklet) in InDesign. I recommend speaking with the printer you intend to work with – in the next few days to double check that the booklet dimensions that you set up, will be possible to print and bind. They should also be able to tell you the cost for printing and binding. (See printer suggestions above.)

DUE: I would like to collect a PDF draft of your booklet the week we come back from spring break. This should include:
1  Cover
2. Copyright page: your name, project name and date
3. Table of Content
4. Statement and description of problem / Design Concept – a summary of the solution, with stated goals and objectives of the project
5. Historical overview – documentation of research (highlights of historical context)
6. Assessment of current industry. Find at least three examples of products you feel are well presented in the marketplace. (They do not have to be the same subject matter as your product.) You should find examples to use as inspiration and guidance.
7. Assessment of marketplace. How is your product unique to the marketplace? What other products are similar to yours and currently available? How will your product distinguish itself from competition?
8. Final identity design (include logo clear-space details and size specifications. Look at the student examples that I provided in class for guidance on this.)
9. Style Guide (see handout – GRA3611-StyleGuide)
10. Product rendering – created in Illustrator

Week8 – GRA3611

Hello everyone – welcome to week 8.

1. Review class trip – favorite works.

2. Today we will use the class time to make progress on your projects. The goal is to have an open lab. We can review anything covered to date and I would also like to go over a few techniques in Photoshop. If we have time I would  like to show how to create and customize Brushes in Illustrator (but we might save that lesson for week 10).

3. By the end of class today I should receive your:
-> Finalized logo – in Illustrator
-> The beginnings of you product rendering – in Illustrator  (a representation of your product).
-> If I have not already received, your product research document (this is the text that will appear in your project deck (see week 3 for the original assignment).

These three pieces will count towards your Midterm grade.

4. Next week we look at InDesgin – to set up your final booklet. We will also discuss binding and paper considerations.
Here is an outline of what needs to go into your project deck and how it will be structured: GRA3611-FinalDeck
And please read this handout about different binding possibilities: GRA3611_Booklets

Continue to work on your project: style-guide, product renderings.

Week7 – GRA3611

-> Don’t forget we are going on a field trip this week:
Society of Illustrators – to see the Annual Exhibition: Illustrators 54 (notable illustrations in advertising and institutional work)

We will meet inside the Gallery at 10AM
The Society of Illustrators is located at:
128 East 63rd Street (between Park and Lexington Avenues)
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 838-2560

Directions via Subway:
Take the F train to Lexington Avenue and exit on the southwest corner of Lexington and 63rd Street. Walk west.
Alternatively you can also take the 4, 5, or 6 train to 59th Street/Lexington Avenue, exit, and walk uptown to 63rd Street.

-> DUE: Mid-term assignment: Design Brief (see ‘GRA3611-ProductResearch’ week 3) Print and bring with you next week to hand in to me.

-> Here is a tutorial for last weeks: Molding Mesh lesson (I’ve attached a PDF that shows the step by step process as well as the original source file from the Illustrator Wow book: lesson-week6

1. Finalize your logo (I would like to collect the completed illustrator file)
2. Field trip homework:
I would like to ask you to chose one piece of work in the exhibt that you really like and write a brief report about it. In your report I would like you to address:
-> The artist’s name
-> Client or agency work was produced for
-> The medium used (oil on canvas, ink on paper, digital, etc.)
-> Bring a camera in case you are permitted to photograph the artwork
-> In your report I would like you to explain why you feel this work is particularly successful
-> Address what the purpose of the work is (what was the assignment). What was it created for
-> I would also like you to research the artist – do they have a website? What other work have they done?

I will ask you to present the artist you chose to the class next week.

Week5 – GRA3611


Here is the agenda for 2.29

-> Field trip: Weds March 14 (Week7) – Society of Illustrators: http://www.societyillustrators.org/The-Museum/2012/Illustrators-54-AI/Illustrators-54–Advertising-and-Institutional.aspx
->  GRA surveys
-> Adobe Software: We have an opportunity to purchase the FULL Adobe Suite for $175.00, including CS6.0 Deadline: March 1st
If you are interested please send an email to: Ms. Jessica Garcia at: JMGarcia@citytech.cuny.edu (please include your contact info)

Presentation: Milton Glaser on drawing

Due: Logo sketches. Logos can be either a symbol or a logotype. Keep in mind logos should:
-> work in black and white (color comes later)
-> be readable at a large and fairly small size
-> be a simple enough graphic that it is memorable – think geometric in shape.

Note how I asked you to layout the page – so that you have one logo per page – a small and large version along with the product name.
Remember these are sketches – raw ideas – they do not have to be finalized pieces of art, just enough to get the message across.

Lab-time: finalize sketches and render logo in Illusrtator

-> Live Trace and then pencil tool
-> Review Gradient Mesh tool

1. Finalize your logo (I would like to collect the completed illustrator file)
2. Read handout: (see ‘GRA3611-ProductResearch’ week 4)
3. Bring in three concept sketches for product design
4. Start working on mid-term assignment: Design Brief (see ‘GRA3611-ProductResearch’ week 3)

Week4 – GRA3611


1. Due three solid logo concept sketches (sketches can be pencil of ink and rough). We will review them in class.
2. Submit ‘moodboard’ if you did not do so last week
3. Handout: GRA3611-WhatisBranding

Today we will review:
-> Envelope Distort
-> Live Trace – pencil tools
-> Live Paint

I will introduced:
-> Working with gradients
-> The Gradient Mesh tool
-> Transparency palette
-> Texture using the transparency palette

Here are two very useful tutorials that recap what we looked at:
Adding Texture: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coE27IqCvW8
Gradient Mesh Tool Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AmtaaRKJaY

Lab Time to work in class on final logo

1. Finalize your logo (I would like to collect the completed illustrator file)
2. Read handout: GRA3611-ProductResearch
3. Bring in three concept sketches for product design